Who is Angi Solley?
Angi has worked in mental health for 22 years; first as a counselor and now as a life coach. She has learned from her trainings, counseling degree, and from her clients. Another source of understanding comes from her experience of raising her own wild bunch of strong minded children.
Currently raising four teens while moving around the world: Angi is aware of all the challenges many of us face today. She can listen with compassion, set people at ease and deliver you to your own truth and insight with humor, the right questions and relatability.
Life Coaching has been a part of Angi’s professional role for the last five years. Byron Katie, Brooke Castillo and Jack Kornfield are a few of the inspirational leaders that influence Angi’s work. DBT & CBT are foundational elements in her focused thought work with teens. Her life coaching packages focus on helping each teen develop more self-awareness, less frustration and greater self-acceptance.
“But WAIT…there’s more!”—
She’s part of the brilliant team of social emotional support overseas at The Big Purple Blob, too.
You might have heard…there’s one more podcast happening… but that’s still underground.
Angi Solley, Bachelors Human Services Counseling, Certified Life Coach